The UK is on fire! Ask D-Sew. Better yet, get the podcast and listen for yourself. Heaters presented to you by Genesis Elijah, D-Sew (yes, she can get down on the M-I-C),Str8Face, Jay Diamond, GeeO Supreme, and a whole lot more. You don't have to open your pocket to open your mind to good music. Get it? Got it? Good! If not, whatcha' waitin' for? The link is just below. D-SEW GIVIN' IT TO YOU IN NOVEMBER 2010.
You never know what is coming next with the Secret Agent Man of Hip-Hop!!
This is the beginning stages of the Juggernaut Records, LLC and Nth Level Entertainment presentation Music Cd/ Digital Graphic Novel experience "The S.A.M. Xperiment" coming early 2011.
I really wanted to show the world another side of Agent 85 aka Bruce Bowers (CEO of Juggernaut Records, LLC). If you know Bruce, he pretty much stays to himself cookin up master plans :) I got a chance to capture a moment of excellence on a fly one night. I view him in all his characteristics but the world really doesn't get a chance to see what he is all about because he is always working so hard. He is notorious for promoting everyone around him so I picked up the torch to shed light on such a humble, hard working individual!! I hope you enjoy the video and know there is so much more to come... stay tuned and stay connected :) ~Lady Juggernaut
Coming to you in the first part of 2011, Juggernaut recording artist and CEO Agent 85 is bringing to new and old fans and followers alike a Hip Hop experience like no other. The S.A.M. Xperiment is a hybrid Hip Hop/Digital Graphic Novel project. The project will consist of all new music by Agent 85 and guests and a brand new animated story presentation featuring characters based on the artist, as well as characters from his past and present comic book creations. Keep checking back here at the Juggernaut Promotions Blogsite for updated info and new developments.
Check for updates on his official webpage as well. Just scroll down on the right to the graphic "Everything Agent 85".
Gee-O Supreme is on a mission! And from the looks of it, his mission is soon to be accomplished. His latest podcast is a testament to his fervent work ethic to bring to the masses "classic" Hip Hop music from all over the world. His latest offering features Noreaga, Dice Raw, Akili, The Left, Damu the Fudgemunk, AG, OC & Diamond D, Celph Titled & Buckwild f/Sadat X & Grand Puba and a whole lot more Everybody loves Gee-O, the pic says it all. Click the link below and fall in love with GEE-O (his podcasts) too.
Transmitting live in 2011 from the Northern California is CEO, artist, animator, radio personality and media director Agent 85 with a new music project, a new radio show format, an animation series and new projects from his label Juggernaut Records. The Juggernaut Promotions Blogsite has for the past couple of years provided you with an insight on our company, our partners and our collective movement. Now you will get to see everything else behind the man who stands behind it all. Click the link below to catch up to Agent 85's latest info on his projects, and as always, keep checking back here on the Juggernaut Promotions Blogsite for all Juggernaut Updates.
Kicking it off with Kanye's GOOD Music Cypher (fully loaded with lyrical weaponry by a definitive who's who in Hip Hop), GeeO's latest 'cast doesn't disappoint. Jam packed with heavies by Black Milk, Jameison, Prospect, Consequence, Uncle Murda, Messiahbolical, Kool G Rap, Group Home and more. You know the routine. The radio is suffering with bad music, but U don't have to. Vote for yourself and get GeeO's latest 'cast now!