This young woman wears a lot of hats in the industry...
Radio Host for Juggernaut Radio (Suga Cz), CFO and management of Juggernaut Records, LLC (Lady Juggernaut), founder of LoveNmeee (fashion/self awareness-confidence program) and now we can add photographer to the mix.
Cheryl L. Allison decided to just be
"C" when she fired up the photography arm of her empire. Using her background and experience in modeling in the past, she has taken a hold of the behind the scenes aspect of the industry including photography, video and multimedia and injected her own spirit into her work. The results are definite satisfaction! With a natural eye for the best, most effective shot to capture the perfect moment,
Cheryl has in a short time received accolades for the work she does. Her portfolio already includes photo and behind the scenes video production of artists, models, children, businesses and actors.
Click the link below to view her work. Look for more video production from CLA as well, right here on the Juggernaut Blogsite!CLA PHOTOGRAPHY
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