As many of you already know,
Heavy Knucklez first issue
"Iduma" is set to drop in just three weeks. This issue will kick off a four issue story arc created by
Will Trawick written by
Peter Quinones (GI Joe, Dragon Lines, Hero Alliance, etc..) and art by
Team Robekka. Juggernaut Representatives Agent 85 and Lady Juggernaut (who are heading the animation project for Heavy Knucklez) were on hand to attend this year's
Wonder Con at the
Moscone Center in
San Francisco. It all ended up being one big happy family occasion.
...see for yourself...
Will Trawick, Agent 85 and Eric Trawick (Ras Ceylon & Sinista Z in the rear) showing off the 1st Issue of Heavy Knucklez Iduma Comic Book
The Creator (Will Trawick) and the Writer (Peter Quinones) presents - Iduma! (Heavy Knucklez)
THE TEAM - Peter Quinones, Will Trawick, Ron Lim (Marvel Comics Artist) and Agent 85
THE OTHER TEAM - Eric Trawick, Lady Juggernaut and Will Trawick
HEAVY KNUCKLEZ Project Heads - Peter Quinones (Comic Book) and Lady Juggernaut (Animation)STAY CONNECTED TO OUR BLOGSITE FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENTSed. note - Ron Lim is not the artist for Iduma: At least, not in this series.
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