Ms. Be is "winning" as they would say these days... coming out of the wood works literally choppin heads... I had the pleasure of working with her on the set of her new video this past weekend. All I have to say is, she definitely has a classy yet forward approach to breaking the barriers in this industry today. You cannot help but witness history in the making with this beautiful woman. She is fierce, gorgeous, talented, witty, charming, humble and on point with her lyrical assassination in this new release. You will have the oppurtunity to witnessed more and more photos and video footage of Ms. Be' upcoming single - Killin Em directed by King Kosh, Shine Law of Gemstone Official Media Group. As she is a advocate for the youth as well as people as a whole... she welcomes the talent of the youth, her very own have made a cameo in this debut.

Visit The Ms. Be Fan Page to stay posted on her new music and latest projects.
Nice write up! You hit it right on the HEAD---classy & beautiful etc.
Screamin' Leeman said...
You go girl! Get down wich yo bad self! Or something like that. Seriously, I am really excited and happy for you. This is too cool!
I just hope you won't forget me when you're rich and famous...
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